Website Design & Development

We offer comprehensive web design and web development services backed by training and on-going support for clients that need it.

How is PINTAYA Different?

  1.  Price

    1. We’re confident our websites are the perfect blend of affordability, scalability and quality.
  2. Open-Source

    1. We build all websites in WordPress because it’s an open source platform that allows business owners to fully own and manage their web property.
  3. Not Just a Pretty Piece of Cyberspace

    1. We’re a Digital Marketing & Business Development Agency, which means we never build a websites without helping the business understand the impact their new website will have on their business. We care about our clients ROI and our web design clients often turn into long-term digital marketing clients.
  4. No Contracts, No On-Going Fees, Ever

    1. This is a big one. And not all business owners understand why. Of course, we don’t expect our customers to sign on-going contracts, but more importantly, we won’t trap you on our server! What does that mean? Often agencies will boast that they have developed their own CMS (Content Management System), if a web design agency says this to you it should be your first red flag. If an agency has developed their own CMS it means that your website won’t ‘fit’ into other CMS platforms if you should ever decide to move away from their services. You’ll be trapped, if you leave them you’ll lose your site or you’ll have to pay them to transfer it to your new CMS platform.
  5. Training & On-Going Support

    1. Pintaya Consulting is unique in that we help businesses set themselves up to manage their own websites. As part of our web design services we help businesses setup their own hosting server, manage their domain names and most importantly manage their website through the back end of WordPress. We work with clients of all skill levels and include a screen-shared tutorial on how to use the back-end of their new website as part of all web design projects.
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