Knowing where to spend precious marketing and advertising dollars during an economic downturn can be challenging. However, with the right strategies in place, your business can come out the other end of an economic slowdown intact. In fact, by adopting the right...
Medical marketing is not for the faint of heart. If you’re a doctor, a pharmacy, a retailer of medical devices, or your business caters to people with medical needs – then I’m sorry to tell you the rules of engagement for you are far more particular when it comes to...
Online Reviews Are No Longer Optional for Businesses I live in a very small town of boutique shops. The economy in town is interesting. There are some old bakeries and coffee shops that always have line-ups out the door. New businesses, however, tend to struggle in...
Gather Data from Your Offline Marketing With UTM Codes If you know what a UTM Code is you’re smarter than I was when I first encountered them. I know this article looks like there’s a lot of text to read but you can skim the headers and look at the pictures to get the...
Crowdfunding – it’s quickly taken over as many startups primary fundraising strategy. But with this phenomenon crowdfunding has become an increasingly competitive arena for startups and small businesses. In 2016, less than 64% of projects launched on crowdfunding...
PINTAYA is a international marketing and business intelligence firm based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It was founded on the belief that marketing should be a transparent and results-oriented initiative that prioritizes the best interests of the client at all times. PINTAYA’s only agenda is to use our knowledge of marketing and intelligence analysis to grow businesses.